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Nondual Healing: follow-up/flower healing

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Dharma <deva


Tuesday, September 26, 2000 3:49 PM

Re: Nondual Healing: follow-up


> Hi Fred,


> >Almost all descriptions of what is called spiritual healing

> >these days, and in the past, are dualistic in conception.

> >There is one person fixing another person of a specific

> >condition. Regardless of how the healing process is

> >languaged, there are clear elements of separation built

> >into the process. In the West, only Joel Goldsmith and

> >perhaps Emmet Fox speak of eliminating one's sense of self

> >and one's sense of other and one's sense of condition

> >(wrong or right). At least, that's all I've been able to

> >find so far.

> >

> >Ramana Maharshi made a response to a question from Mercedes

> >de Acosta (see her article on realization.org) about

> >praying for others. The gist was that at the level of

> >(true) prayer, there are no others and no self. "There is

> >no need for prayer for yourself or any person other than to

> >abide within the Self." There are also stories about him

> >denying any healing ability or intent, but acknowledging

> >that healings often took place around him. Also, Carl Jung,

> >in Mysterium Coniunctionis (p. 419-20, in a footnote)

> >relates a story from Richard Wilhelm about a Taoist

> >rainmaker, who said he didn't make the rain, he got himself

> >"back in Tao and then naturally the rain came."

> >

> >Nowadays, we have the language of advaita, so many things

> >are now being put into nonduality wording, but it seems no

> >one is yet doing that with "healing."


> In healing at a distance... or in person... if you identify with the

> other person (think, He and I are one, realize the oneness), you can then

> see and/or feel the problem in/on your own body and heal your own body,

> which is to heal his.


> We are continually arising from and subsiding into the All... flashing

> into and out of manifestation. I have been thinking that probably

> instantaneous healing takes place by the body flashing back into

> manifestation with its original pattern of perfect health restored or in

> operation. One method: give the body to Goddess, and ask her, if she

> chooses to give it back, to restore the pattern of perfect health.


> This could also be done in a more nondualistic way, as in your examples.

> In general, I find a dualistic framework easy to live with here... and

> certainly easier to teach. ;)) But the nondualistic way should also


> because Goddess is simply your own higher self.


> >However, I can make a

> >few conjectures. -snip- There

> >also needs to be some sort of openness or willingness or

> >receptivity on the part of the individual who is the

> >non-object of the non-healing.


> You can heal without the other person knowing it... during his sleep,


> instance. But I don't do things like that without prior permission from

> the person... seems an intrusion, a violation of free will. You might


> surprised at how often someone will turn it down, not really wanting to


> healed.


> Of course, if it happens by an instantaneous movement of the will, then

> there is no waiting to ask... it's simply a movement of the spirit.


> Love,

> Dharma


Hello Dharma :)


The best practice in healing I have tried yet :), is to watch a flower


If one may help a flower to grow, just by watching it, being there as there

is nothing else than the sun to open to... One most probably may also heal

others by finding the presence of not being there to manacle them from

growing of there full blown hatching force or something like that.

I still have flashes of what could be the free will of a single flower

growing during a day. It is just fascinating, so infinite, so limitless.

Guess, at one point, the flower comes to heal the healer...




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Hi Antoine!

>The best practice in healing I have tried yet :), is to watch a flower


>If one may help a flower to grow, just by watching it, being there as there

>is nothing else than the sun to open to... One most probably may also heal

>others by finding the presence of not being there to manacle them from

>growing of there full blown hatching force or something like that.

>I still have flashes of what could be the free will of a single flower

>growing during a day. It is just fascinating, so infinite, so limitless.

>Guess, at one point, the flower comes to heal the healer...


You reminded me of the Findhorn Garden... sending some words from there.


Love you,



>.... in cooperating with the devic realms. Man does not forego his own

>powers and abilities, approaching the devas as if helpless, expecting them

>to supply the answers. Not at all. Man contributes his part to the work as

>an equal, and the devas respond by contributing theirs. True cooperation

>begins when we realize that man, the devas and nature spirits are part of

>the same life force, creating together....



>In our world, which is closer to the world of causes, we see that all

>things are a manifestation of intelligence and that all happenings are

>related. If you put the horse before the cart, all power will be in your

>hands and you will work in the world of forces as we do.



>June 1963

>You realize, at last, that no longer need you be controlled by events, but

>by your power of thought you control them. You can bring about anything by

>your thoughts. That is why this new-found power can only be used when

>there is no self left to mar it; otherwise it could so easily be used for

>the wrong motive and not for the good of the whole. Used by that higher

>part of you, only good can be drawn to you and you can create only good.

> This is the secret of creation. What you think, you create. This is

>where your faith and belief must be unshakable. When there are any doubts

>or lack of confidence, you are unable to bring about these truths in form.



>My wonders are to be manifest in form. Heaven is to be brought on Earth.

>We are one. Therefore, all that appeared impossible in the past is no

>longer so. Everything is possible.



>Life is not really complicated. In fact, it is very simple. It is

>simplicity itself, but you make it complicated. When you find life is

>getting to be too much for you and you feel weighed down, stop and look at

>a child. A child lives fully in the moment, enjoying what he is doing. He

>does not worry about tomorrow and what it might bring.

> That is how you should live. Be ever conscious of the wonder of life.


>The Devas

>22 June 1971

>Love is a firm reality which forms a bridge over which all can walk. Gooey

>sentiment is not love and does not exist with us.

> When we step towards you, we do it energetically; you can do the

>same. Though you cannot see, hear, touch, smell or taste us, we are a

>tremendous force. We stand here in love, a whole dynamic world ready for

>an intelligent relationship with the humanity that will wield all

>God-given forces for the whole.


>Pear Deva

>13 March 1965

>To you I am a being of great beauty because you contact the reality of me:

>a being which is God, free, happy and expressing his perfect life. Yet

>that rather spindly tree growing in the garden is my expression. Of course

>you know that in blossom time the inner beauty is more apparent, and also

>the fruit is a form which is clearly unique to me. Nevertheless, you think

>this tree is but a limited expression of me.

> Come nearer and feel a oneness with the tree. Slip into its limbs and

>feel the same unity that the tree spirit feels with it. Feel how the

>spirit loves the tree, how it is the tree. We are one.

> You were one with us in that moment. We believe that as you reach

>into our life like that, as we achieve greater unity, Heaven will be

>brought down to Earth.


>Landscape Angel

>17 October 1969

>We would have you love the garden and all in it, putting your care and

>attention to it. But above all we would have you feel it all part of the

>One. It is not enough to grow plants merely for beauty, appearance or use.

>Grow them also because all are expressions of the whole.

> You, too, are parts of the whole - part of that clod of earth, part

>of that tiny flower, part of the sunshine and the rain, the light in

>another's eye, the warmth of another's smile. And you are part of us, the

>angelic hosts who overlight and give life to the planet, who care for you

>all, though you know it not.


>Landscape Angel

>31 May 1963

>The personal qualities of a gardener can be used by the nature forces to

>add to plant growth. For example, Peter's radiations are forceful and

>purposeful and are used a great deal. Every gardener contributes to his

>garden in this way, but those consciously aligned to the Great Provider

>can be used much mare.

> Certain people stimulate plant growth, others have a depressing

>effect and even draw upon the plant forces. Happiness has an especially

>good effect on plants, as do children at play.

> Your radiations and the radiations of the plants are more interwoven

>than you realize, for although the nature spirits shy away from humans,

>they cannot help but be affected by human vibrations for they are open

>creatures without the many skins humans have.


>Landscape Angel

>20 June 1963

>We see life in terms of the inner force while you see only the outer form

>and cannot see the continual process taking place. We should like you to

>try to think in our terms, because it will make things easier for both of

>us - you will be closer to reality and will also be able to understand us


> These inner forces are as intricate as the outer form, having shape,

>color, texture, etc., but of a finer and richer substance. When you look

>at plants, know that what you see has an inner counterpart simply

>pulsating with the life you see and much more. As your mind becomes more

>familiar with this concept and you think of the plants as glowing and

>moving with life, you will in fact add to that life. By thought, you add

>to their force and at the same time you draw upon the Source of all life,

>generating more and more power and more and more life. That is what we all



>Landscape Angel

>30 July 1964

>Rain, having passed through many radiations as part of a natural process,

>is far better for plants than watering. But when man does find it

>necessary to water, he can give out radiations which are as helpful to the

>plants as the natural ones that come with the rain. When man acts as part

>of the one life, he is that and is a transformer for many ranges of

>vibrations. The plants are grateful for the water and especially for the

>love that can come with it.


>Spinach Deva

>16 June 1963

>As your thoughts create order and unity, as they become more aligned with

>the whole, so will the forces in the garden become more aligned as well

>and what does not fit in will drop out. As you positively hold perfection

>for each plant in your mind so will it be brought into form.

> We are able to work most effectively when we have your creative

>thought with us, protecting and feeding each plant. It is your garden, you

>are the creators of it, and we only help as each seed or plant needs it.

>The overall result depends on your inner strength as put forth in the



>Rhododendron Deva

>21 May 1967

>Each species of plants contributes something to the character of the land

>and changes it. Just as you in your human evolution are now moving out of

>functioning as separate individuals or separate specialized groups, so the

>plant world is changing and the flora becoming less specialized and more

>typical of the whole Earth.

> Link with us whenever and wherever you see us. This is good for us

>and good for our relationship. Notice us, see us with new eyes, notice the

>way we grow. It will help you to imbibe the unique quality which we bring.

> All are part of the whole, but interest lies in the diversity of the

>parts. The philosophy and the plant life of a country are more related

>than you might think. Now that greater world unity is coming, let us not

>lose the essence of each unique contribution.


>The Devas

>13 August 1967

>It is the fact of oneness which we would emphasize and repeat, because

>there are many of the one creation which you automatically reject with

>words like "vermin" or "weeds." These are obvious, but there are many more

>such rejections in your categories of "good" and ''bad' which will change

>as consciousness grows and expands. We are ever eager to mention this

>theme of unity to man, it being the immediate step for him to take.

> We would shout in words of fire that oneness is.


>Lupin Deva

>20 June 1968

>We express our thanks to the One Source with each petal and leaf, each

>color and shape. We are one with the elements, we know it and they know

>it. We act and interact with no sense of "mine" and "thine," for all the

>Earth 's surface is of one family, one creation, one intelligence.

> Can you not sense how all creation shouts for joy that we exist and

>is just as joyful that our neighbor also exists? We are not as conscious

>of the moving forces of the insects as we are of other plants, for they

>are not as close to us. But they cross our path in harmony and we salute

>them, as we salute you, as having just as much right to life as anything

>else. We are one under the One.

> Even if there is what you call a "plague" of some sort, there is a

>reason for it - usually that man is out of step, doing unnatural things in

>his separation from the whole.


>Wild Rose Deva

>30 November 1963

>You wonder what connection 1 have with the hundreds of new varieties of

>roses developed in the last century. Each variety establishes its own deva

>as it establishes its type. As a different arrangement of forces is

>repeated often enough, an entity develops. That entity is like a daughter

>to us, yet it is closer than that; it is part of us.

> This is difficult to explain to you because you are used to a world

>of concrete form and separated life, whereas in our worlds all is living,

>changing force without a sense of separation, without a "self" which

>individualizes itself from its fellows.

> We are rather like a breath, we come and we go. Sometimes joy

>bubbles up without reason - so do we.


>Mesembryanthemum Deva

>28 June 1968

>Throughout the garden, we open ourselves and express our gladness that you

>finally include us in this conscious contact - in spite of your difficulty

>with the name we have been given. A long name for a little flower!

> It is indeed a matter of rejoicing that the spirit of a flower

>and the spirit of a human can commune in consciousness, blend and find

>that one is the other, that there is a real fraternity between our outward

>manifestations. Whenever we meet we shall now smile secretly within and

>know without words that there is a bond, that in spite of outward

>differences, we have been brought together. We do not look to the

>differences but to the reality and unity of the life within.

> When you look at us, perhaps you think, "Pretty little flower,

>what brilliance of color!" and revel in the beauty. But now you can see

>all that, with the added knowledge that we are one under the skin, so to

>speak, and you can open all of yourself to us and we to you. Then do your

>radiations on all levels come to us, and we have new worlds on which to

>draw. Then do our nature builders have more bricks with which to build,

>and you have lost nothing, for the more you empty yourself and share, the

>more you receive on all levels.

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