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a Magazine

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The first issue of the quarterly HarshSatsangha Magazine will be out in

December around Christmas time. Sri Gloria Lee has been recruited to be the


Her compensation is being kept a secret to avoid riots in intellectual and

artistic circles.


We aim to be a high quality spiritual journal with diverse and

eclectic content in a variety of areas.


We have several editors now for different sections and are still looking for

more and negotiating aggressively with others. We offer a competitive

package of Shunya.


Here is a partial listing of editors only:


For the Astrology section the editor is Sri Linda. Her knowledge of

Astrology is well known. She will also cover or contribute to the Yoga -

Tantra section.


For the Raw Foods/Vegetarianism section, the editor is Sri Jan who has been

mostly a raw food fruitarian for more than a decade now. Jan is one of the

rare examples of fruitarian yogis today and exemplifies Ahimsa.


Sri Amanda is one of the editors for the kundalini section (More will be

announced later).


Horia will be one of the editors on Tantra, helping with the web design, and

writing on the topic of Resonance.


There are other people like Colette helping me in the background as well and

I am in communications with others.


This is only a partial listing due to time constraints. The Editors group

will officially start functioning at the end of the week. Please let us know

if you want to be involved in some way. Thanks.


Here is briefly what the HS Magazine is all about. I am pasting this from a

previous post.


a will be publishing 4 extremely high quality

on-line magazines a year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer). We are going to

give the Yoga Journal and other big names a run for their money. :-). The

first issue will be out in December.


We are looking for editors, reviewers, contributors in the area of the

teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, (and others), Kundalini

Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and other yogas and tantras, Traditional

Advaita-Nonduality, Poetry,

Stories, Astrology, Health and wellness, Raw Foods and the vegetarian Diet,

and other selected topics. Please feel free to contact me privately and give

your suggestions about what you would like to see included in the magazine.


We are the Ramana generation!


Love to all







Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) [hluthar]

Tuesday, September 26, 2000 11:58 AM

NondualitySalon ;

Fine Feet Humor



I ran across this old post of Judi's and my response. This may not be

suitable for all ages and temperaments. If you feel uncomfortable at any

point, please stop reading immediately.





Judi: So, yes, thank God for the ones that speak. I've said this before and


absolutely true. This world would truly be a hell without them. And anyone

who comes into enlightenment and talks, I'm the first one to be kissing

their feet.




Harsha: When I was in college, an artist (a fellow student) once saw me

barefoot and was fascinated by my feet. She wanted me to model so she could

draw my feet. She couldn't stop talking about the toes, the curvatures, the

beautifully formed nails, etc. I was somewhat surprised by the many praises

my feet received from her. She even said in front of other people that these

were truly fine feet, the finest she had seen. When I was alone in my room

in private, I carefully looked again at my feet, as if for the first time. I

had taken them as ordinary feet, but I noted that they were indeed truly

beautiful. I carefully washed them with Dove soap and massaged them with oil

and scent for a few days. But I did not wish to model my feet. Going

commercial with my feet did not really appeal to me. I felt such beauty

should be for private viewing only. In the Indian tradition, it is customary

for people to touch the feet and even kiss the feet of their gurus and the

enlightened ones. Some are comfortable with that some are not. It does not

really matter one way or the other. Judi mentioned her wanting to kiss the

feet of the enlightened ones. My feeling is that flying kisses to the feet

of enlightened would also be acceptable. I mean who enjoys people slobbering

over their feet all the time. It is hard to hold a good conversation in that

posture. In any case, everyone has their own feet. Ultimately you must see

the beauty of your own feet and kiss your own feet. Your back has to be very

flexible to actually be able to kiss your feet. Flying kisses to the feet

are within the reach of all.


Harsha (with the fine feet)




All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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