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(only) One day with the Eternal.. (?!)

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Thank you for your beautiful post! Remembering my own experience, I found

myself smiling and paraphrasing the Taoists:


The One


The two


The ten thousand books.


I am such a hard-head that if my awakening hadn't been accompanied by bells &

whistles I would have ignored the whole thing. These early glimpses are

nourishment for our trek through the minefields of Ego! Holly

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I have just d and this is my first posting at this forum.


(I have posted this mail also at another related forum-list, so for

some of you it might be redundant.)


I have 'been around' for many years, gurus, yoga, devotional paths,

Gurdieff/Ouspensky, and read, like others, over 1000 books (mostly

lots of useless and forgotten knowledge), etc ..

but now dzogchen as well as other similar sober teachings, dealing

with the What-Is, are somehow my 'cup of tea'.


I am not searching as I used to,.. for answers from the 'experts' and

the latest 'advanced techniques', nor for far-out cosmologies,

systems or exotic spiritual terminology,..


however dialogues with fellow inquirers, I find of great value...

in spite of the reoccuring failure in communication (Babel-Tower

stuff..) especially concerning the electronic/symbolic internet kind.

Well that was a bit about 'my story'.


I would like to share the following event and

if you can relate to this, comments, feedback would be very welcome.



I have chosen the words as carefully as I possibly could; they are

factual in spite of their apparently

'impressive' overtones or resemblance to xyz's verbal pointers

concerning Truth or another dimension.



Many years ago, (when I got interested in J. Krishnamurti's

teachings), I was walking down the street

in a quiet area of the town; the gardens were green and there was


a certain awareness and sensitivity was there;

suddenly, while as if new 'antennas' were opening up

the presence of the Obviously! Eternal, was there.


It was obviously so (Eternal), independent of the word.

The word 'eternal', was _not_ an outcome of conclusive

reasoning/evaluation,..like when you look

at the skies and think "this universe must be infinite and must've

always been here"

and then see it according to the conceptual conclusion.

But it was rather, like when you taste honey for example,.. the word

(sweet/eternal in this context)

comes later, for the sake of verbal communication.

However, the mind could exclaim with wonder :

"..Goodness me,.. there _Is_ something that corresponds to the

word 'eternal' ! "


The body, was like a fish in this Ocean of multi-directional


Indestructible, Immense Space,

It contained every thing/sound/being; Self-sustained, dependant on


'my' Identity was That and therefore no fear;

I was not being 'high', but was as supreme Sobriety.

It was _not_ an 'experience'..

(that day, was the only time I saw, what K. meant with the mind-

boggling statement (I paraphrase).

'you cannot experience Truth'.)


It was not a momentary flash of 'insight' or psychedelic/etherial


or a psycho-somatic/energetic-merely-personal intensity;

it was there the whole day.


'I' felt like a baby, learning to crawl/walk.

My 'identity' could move from being responsible as a body/'person',

soberly relating to another..

(much more sober/sane/factual than in the 'normal' state)..

to being that endless Expanse of Living Space.


For a moment a fearful thought arose : 'Jeez..what if It will


The answer was instantaneous..: it was Obvious,

that It has always been here and It will always be here .. and


regardless of whether the perception of it closed its doors, or not.


Following day: 'gone';

since it was obvious that It was Not the Result/Creation of an

ambitious techniques-meditating ego

with its effort, and seen that It had absolutely nothing to do

with 'me'..

there was no regret/despair upon Its 'ending'.

The 'me', naturally confessed to its 'impotence' in the face of this


and 'prostrated' (non-emotionally, but as a matter of Fact) before




Yes, It was a rare jewel, the only Eternal jewel, unending Life


perhaps it was a gift, ..


....and yet, at times I wonder :

-what- was the point/significance of a 1 day in/as Eternity and then

its 'disappearance' ?!..

Perhaps a wrong question.

Anything of lasting value in this event ?

Perhaps, perhaps none.


As for its re-'appearance', as far as I understand/know, the mere

Memory of it,

and efforts motivated by it, can never be used to re-discover/produce


The event cannot be used.


And yet, there It Was !

But, since 'I' am now back, I cannot prevent an occasional thought


"this interest that you have in self-knowing,

in spite of its being the most risky game there is, with odds at

most/least : 1 to Infinity…

based on the Evidence presented to you,

one can easily say that, it makes it the only 'game' worth

playing !".


The question might be : "But then, is This remembrance your motive,

for being interested

in knowing yourself ?"

I would say 'no'. It is something along the lines of what

J.Krishnamurti said once:

(I do not have the correct quotation, so I paraphrase)

'the man who is really interested and approaches life simply, says :

...for god's sake, here I am.. –suffering- !..

-Is there- another way to live ?!'



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