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Vincit que se vincit

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Seven generations ago, a large island was colonised by convicts -

felons, thieves, muggers, alcoholics and prostitutes.


This genetic strain of depravity had no respect for the

establishment - for society, rule or religion. Sure, there were

those puritans who sought to impose their ideologies over what this

fledgling nation was to become.


There are still those who try to manipulate Australia, its

economy, its people and its spirituality.


Seven generations ago, the White Supremacy Movement of the

Autocracy tried to impose its religion on the primitive - the

ancient spirituality of one of the most ancient land forms of this

planet. Some remnant sections of this Autocracy still do ..


But the Consciousness of the land is bigger than the people.


The descendants of the depraved have, over the years embraced the

refugees from all the nations of the earth .. the refugees of race,

religion and politics.


The consciousness of the nation embraces those who cannot find

peace within their own origins.


Seven generations of white settlement has been awakened to the

spirituality of the land - this was seen in the opening ceremony of

the Olympic games .. The Dream.


These games are becoming known as the peaceful games .. is it any

wonder .. 47,000 volunteers, the descendants of the rejects and

refugees have been embraced by the most ancient of Spiritual Truths



Seven generations later, the Spirit of the most ancient island

continent was shown to the world in the image of a black tribal

elder and a pubescent white girl walking in step .. images of the

dance of Creation .. the image of the spirit who had eyes to see

and no mouth through which to speak judgement ..


Thus there were no words - a picture that left its impression deep

in the psyche of the human species - a picture that cut across the

limitations of words, language, race, religion, creed and colour.


The awakening of the Rainbow Serpent


The remembering of the dreaming - the spirituality of the

elementals - the Creative Fire that was ignited by the symbol of

Aboriginal Spirituality from the earth's breath that bubbled

through the water .. a celebration of the feminine handed to the

world through the marvels of a communication that crossed the

boundaries separating the countries whose rejects forms the nucleus

of multiculturalism.


Tonight, the Sydney Olympics draws to a close.


Tonight, that flame is to be released from Sydney out into the

world - a river of fire ..


The ancient spirituality of the Middle Way - brought to the world

in a way that it has never been brought before - in a language that

crosses all boundaries.


There will be those who react - they will be the ones whose

idealism is threatened - those whose bodies resonate to the beat of

the most ancient drum - the heartbeat of mother earth.


From underneath the oppression of man's inhumanity to man and

Man's rape of the Mother, the molten core will rise to the surface

and there will not be one member of the species Homo Sapiens who

does not hear, on some level, the heartbeat of Mother.


The party - for that is what the closing ceremony is being

labelled - is the handing back to the world the essence of its true

spirituality - recovered by the descendants of those labelled as

depraved - and carried to the four corners by 11,000 athletes who

have been embraced over the last 16 days by Ausie, Ausie Ausie -

Oie, Oie, Oie.


Sydney 2000 - the awakening - the handing over to the world of the

ancient plan that the elders of the tribe have kept alive for

100,000 years.


You will be touched .. everything that you will experience - all

of the emotions, all of the reactions - is a remembering of what

you and your ancestors have ever done which has separated you and

them from the dreaming ..


You will remember .. the ancient creative Fiat - the breath from

which mankind descended .. reawakened ..


Seven generations after its conception by white man, a nation was

brought together by the Olympic Torch from ancient Greece handed

over to the Aboriginal at Uluru 16 weeks ago.


Uluru the ancient anchor stone in the Red Heart of Gondawanaland

is alight ... burning from the inside. Molten, visceral, an

enormous flame .. as it was 40 million years ago.


Uluru re-awakened .. in consciousness. The gargantuan

consciousness of all things .. all elements .. creation freed from

the shackles of man


The flame criss crossed the length and breadth of the land, under

the sea...in the air...across mountains. Millions of Australians

have seen it .. regardless of age, creed or race it has become a

focal point.


16 days later the purified flame is handed back to the world by

the elders.


Will you embrace the gift .. or will you believe all of the lies

that you have been brought by those who tried to make their God

greater than the masterpiece of the One God that embraces all.


Remembered by the elders of the tribe.


Australia has found a peace which embraces all .. will the world

accept the gift?


Reconciliation of wisdom .. ancient and modern .. black and white

... male and female .. adult and child .. elder and innocent...


Woman is free .. man is freed .. "and a child shall lead them"


For Australia, the healing of seven generations of white

degradation of the land and denial of their own spirituality...


Seven generations filled with the cry of children who knew the

truth, saw the lies and the spirituality .. made wrong


In one gesture, seven generations reconciled with the land .. the

spirit of the land and the spirit of their ancestors.


The seven generations are forgiven .. the face of the ancient

spirit that rose in the stadium has no mouth .. speaks no judgement

... it does not judge its children .. just sees and has waited .. a

long silent vigil.


With the acknowledgement of the common roots with the land and the

acknowledgement of the shared spirituality of all, seven

generations are forgiven .. no judgement.


Now their children's children can be born free.


Born with the knowing of the common spiritual origins of the

common fire that ignites and burns in each and every body and

spirit that has walked the earth ..since the beginning.


It is available to all who choose themselves.


The fire of Uluru, the red/ochre centre, is moving up and out from

the "base" (southern hemisphere) and will be like no other tsunami

ever known.


The base chakra of hu-manity has been called and re-awakened by

the elders and the innocence of the child...


What now moves outwards is the unlimited potential of life force -

blocked for so long by the forgetting and fear of the fire and



The flame has been consciously welcomed to this great southern

land - millions have flocked to see this ancient symbol. Millions

more will be touched.


A single flame carried high and we have remembered.


100, 000 years of dreaming joined with seven generations of white

man .. the melding complete


The heart has begun to beat to its ancient pulse once more. 16

days ago saw the birth of a nation .. one nation


Now the vibration moves through the ethers .. a silent wave of

returning to the core. The rainbow race has returned .. it has




Vincit que se vincit - He conquers who conquers himself.




Christopher Wynter .. Hobart Tasmania

Sunday October 1, 2000




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