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JB/ Questioning 'I am not the feelings/thought..I am That'

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JB wrote:


Hi Harsha


Thanks for the sharing.

I am aware of that type of rough teacher. However Zen-stick roughness

might not necessarily indicate a genuiness/purity of realization.


Harsha: I am in complete agreement JB. This is what my message implied when

I said that the great sages say, "Ahimsa Param Dharma - Nonviolence is the

Supreme Principle. No one should be abused in the name of enlightenment. In

the last three years I have often expressed my views on "false gurus" and

Perhaps I will post them again. Below, I have tried to address your

questions and identified certain things. Because of the length of the post,

some points you raise are not touched fully, only the assumptions behind

them are clarified. Feel free to write again.


JB: But actually what I would like to have some feedback on is this:

You write:


Harsha:> The feeling/awareness that "I Exist" is a fundamental fact and

> self-verifying. Therefore, sages like Ramana have said, hold to this

> awareness that "I Exist" which is natural to you. The beginning and


> ending must be Here and lie in this Pure Simplicity.


JB: Concerning the 'I exist':

It seems to me that there is no doubt, this Sense of 'I am/exist' is


On closer inspection though, as far as I can see, this 'Sense of I'

is like the smoke produced by a fire,.. the fire being the

whole 'story of me', the Image of myself, the structure and contents

of of thought/feeling.

Is that your observation also ?

If so, the way, it seems to me, that Ramana's statement is

interpreted/'practiced' by some, is that it results in a

reinforcing/strengthening of the 'I'.

If this is a wrong understanding, what is, according to you, the 'I'


Harsha: Thank you JB for raising these point. Such questions are dear to my

heart. I had a very late night class yesterday and am now replying.


You say that you have no doubt that the "Sense of I am/I exist" is there.

Beautiful! First step! The second step, if I can call it that, involves

seeing the sheer beauty of the first step in all its simplicity. Because

unless the profundity of the "I Am sense/feeling/awareness" is seen and it

arises spontaneously from wihin, one will not understand fully the potency

of this awareness.


Now JB, let us go to the heart of your question. You say JB that:


On closer inspection though, as far as I can see, this 'Sense of I'

is like the smoke produced by a fire,.. the fire being the

whole 'story of me', the Image of myself, the structure and contents

of of thought/feeling.

Is that your observation also ?


Harsha: My beautiful friend, in the way that you frame the question, I come

to appreciate and see your dilemma in a way. You raise the doubt that what

if the sense/feeling of "I am/exist" is the "effect" of the "Whole story of

me". In that case, we are focusing on the "effect" and the not the "cause."

The "effect" in this case (in your view) is the false "I." Your conclusion

is that by focusing on the false "I" we can only strengthen it. You further

ask me JB whether this is a wrong understanding. I cannot say JB that it is

a wrong understanding. It is a different way of understanding, and in fact,

this understanding might be right approach for you. In that case, you will

appreciate Krishnamurti more so and perhaps other teachers as well. Simply

go with what suits you and let divine love and providence guide you.


I do not know how much of Ramana Maharshi you have read. If you have the

time, look at "Be As You Are" a compilation of conversations with Ramana

Maharshi, edited by David Godman. Because the Sage of Arunachala has the

depth of the deepest ocean and height of highest peak and burns like the

brightest star whose light is pouring out everywhere in the universe, it is

not easy to grasp His teaching immediately. It relates to one's very Being

and Essence. Ramana sat like Shiva on the sacred hill having swallowed up

time and space itself. Be not fooled with frailties of his body and the

simplicity of his language. There is only pure gold there. It is by Grace

Alone that the fog is lifted and we come to see the Supreme Beauty that

Resides as Being, Our Own Being, That Which Is One Without a Second. That

You Are!




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