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[Advaita-Ashram] Moller/Questioning 'I am not the feelings/thought..I am That'

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Dear Harsha,


Sincere thanks for your reply to my posting a few days ago. My

apology for only coming back to you now.


Moller said:


<<'I'-consciousness is not on a continuum with 'Consciousness as the

essense of life' - if there is such a thing, state, non-thing. A

categorical break between the deluded 'I'-conscious state and the

wholeness of life has to happen. >>


Harsha replied:


<Your last paragraph is questionable and my experience is in fact just


opposite. The categorical break that you speak of in consciousness is


a delusion. No doubt there are many dramatic spiritual experiences

which can

give the impression of breaks in consciousness, appear to change

consciousness and expand it and give it a variety of visionary and


experiences. This is especially true for those in whom Kundalini

Shakti is

manifesting. Almost 22 years ago, when I opened my eyes after


Samadhi, it was obvious to me that there is indeed absolutely no break


consciousness whatsoever. What is There in the Highest Samadhi is Here


the normal state or whatever state one is in.>


(M) Harsha, I really appreciate what you are saying. I may even be

bold enough to say I understand it.


But you see, we are not on opposite sides here. We are relating two

categorically different experiences. You speak of Nirvana. I speak of

Samsara. You speak of freedom. I speak of bondage. You speak of the

Highest Samadhi. I speak of the lowest absorbtion.


Now it is clear that from the point of view of the Highest Samadhi,

this 'lowest absorbtion' is part of everything. The Higher cannot but

include everything 'below' it. So from this 'vantage point' of the

Highest Samadhi, you are absolutely right.


But from my vantage point of the lowest absorbtion, the world of

suffering, 'I'-consciousness and delusion, I am also right if I say

that for your Highest Samadhi to become 'my' Reality, everything about

this reality of my delusion must go. Delusion by its nature cannot be

the same as reality. The nature of the reality of which I speak is

delusion and absorbtion into state of depravity and madness. Here,

ABSOLUTEly NOTHING of your Highest Samadhi is revealed.


So whether you 'see' it as being here or not, means nothing to me.

Light to a blind man, although obviously present to the one who can

see, is simply non-existent.


And it is my understanding that most people are caught in the lower

samadhi. So it is this samadhi/absorbtion which I address. But in

oder to address it, it has to be acknowledged. And it has to be

acknowledged as in and by and of itself, to be of a categorically

different nature to that of the Highest Samadhi of which you speak.


It is this REAL difference which I point to, and which so many

'teachings' today seem to want to ignore. And I say that one ignores

this difference at one's own peril. In fact, the very

non-acknowledgement of Samsara, is the perpetuation of Samsara.


I say: Speak of the Highest. But teach from the lowest. Otherwise

such a teaching will only confuse, delude and frustrate the many

sincere and honest attempts by those who have taken up the

responsibility to try and DO something about their self-deluded state.


I hope this explains my position somewhat.








Harsha <harsha-hkl

Cc: Advaita <Advaita-Ashram >

06 October 2000 05:25

[Advaita-Ashram] Moller/Questioning 'I am not the

feelings/thought..I am That'




Advaita [Advaita]


What appears as the 'self-evidence' of the 'I' is really a lie. It

is untruth being mistaken for truth. It is Samsara being mistaken for

the first glimpse of Nirvana. It is the mind perpetuating itself as

suffering and duality. It is the very essense of illusion and

self-delusion. The 'I' which presents itself to the initial enquirer,

and which is presented to him/her by Maharshi as a sign of the

enlightened consciousness, is categorically of a diffrerent nature in

its functioning and presentation as any presumed 'deeper' awareness to

which Maharshi might point.


'I'-consciousness is not on a continuum with 'Consciousness as the

essense of life' - if there is such a thing, state, non-thing. A

categorical break between the deluded 'I'-conscious state and the

wholeness of life has to happen. It is beacuse this distinction to my

understanding has not been drawn by Maharshi, that I have referred to

his teaching as naive and even misleading, underestiaming and not

understanding and appreciating the depth of the dualistic world



This is my understanding.


Love Moller.


Moller, I appreciate your post and the passion with which you speak

and make

your points. Even during the time that the Sage of Arunachala was

living in

the body, at least a few of his devotees went and stayed with Sri


for some time due to their differing orientations about the nature of

practice. What you say is indeed useful for many people and from many

perspectives. It has always been like that. People will be attracted


different teachings depending on their already existing tendencies in

certain directions.


Your last paragraph is questionable and my experience is in fact just


opposite. The categorical break that you speak of in consciousness is


a delusion. No doubt there are many dramatic spiritual experiences

which can

give the impression of breaks in consciousness, appear to change

consciousness and expand it and give it a variety of visionary and


experiences. This is especially true for those in whom Kundalini

Shakti is

manifesting. Almost 22 years ago, when I opened my eyes after


Samadhi, it was obvious to me that there is indeed absolutely no break


consciousness whatsoever. What is There in the Highest Samadhi is Here


the normal state or whatever state one is in.




> A spiritually mature mind is not seduced by a false teaching or a


> teacher that promises something which you do not have. The wise


> utterly contented with what they have, their own nature, and where

they are,

> in their own Self, and see the bait of higher wisdom and knowledge

(to be

> given by someone else) as a mirage without any foundation what so



> Love to all

> Harsha






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