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sensitivity/perceptual clarity and sex

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Since I have seen some postings on kundalini, I will allow myself to

ask whether anyone here (man) can relate to the following:


It has to do with a felt drainage of energy following ejaculation.


My female partner is very loving (at least in the ussual term of that

word). She is more centered in emotions(mostly 'positive', romance

etc.) & body than I am.

My attention/energy/sensitivity is mostly foccused in the area of

chest and especially head and above head.

Her verbal communication can be rather chaotic, while I seem to need

a certain order on the verbal level. This can at times also result in

some energy drainage.


When sitting quietly, sometimes the top of the head starts

buzzing/vibrating in a quite blissful way.

Also a stream of 'energy' can be felt activated in the area of lowest

chakra, and rising to top of head, while the back/spine and neck

straighten out on their own, without my volition.


The frekvency of intercourse is relatively rare.

Even so, the drainage happens after the act and the symptoms are the


- a feeling of having the head filled with 'cotton', sensitivity is

accutely dulled, headaches at the lower back of the head, and even

clarity of thinking is impaired. Also tiredness. From a

realtively 'sharp' and alive perception to a flat one.


When sitting, I would just fall asleep, which does not happen



This state can last from 2-4 days after the act.

It has turned the sex-realating into a kind of horror to avoid and

certainly not to look forwards to.

And a certain amount of guilt, and feeling sorry for her, on top of

it, since her needs are greater than mine.


I wonder whether there comes a time, when also this one has to let go


Perhaps (?) this situation is due to lack of exerecise, or of age

(55) or simply because of the energy-pull upwards.


I know of the Tantric/Taoistic practices of conserving the energy,

with which I played around with a bit, but which do not attract me

since the ego is so terribly busy.


I told of this at some other forums, but they often make fun of it,

and lots of insults/4-letter words are thrown at me, while telling me

that it's ego-nonsense.


I am not interested in a kundalini happening, or super-orgasm/sex or

other such stimulations.


When there is no sex for some days, the body/senses/perception

becomes alive, and able to notice the 'small things' and delicacy of

nuances outside and in the movements of the conditioned psychic.

A kind of wholeness of energy comes about.


So, can anyone relate to this ?

Can anything be done, without to much ego-doing ?

This situation has been there, for several years now.

And now I am at the point of terminating the relationship, which

brings its portion of suffering with it.


Your sharing would be appreciated.


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Hi JB,


As far as know, there will arise a time when the sex-drive goes to zero,

appetite for food goes down and the body "wants" to optimize on

energy-efficiency, all energy being "diverted" to K.... It denotes a period of

unconditional surrender and is outside any form of control. One might even say

this unconditional surrender, more or less forcing one to celibacy although it

isn't wanted (or making it a peace of cake when celibacy is wanted), is where

Tantra and Vedanta, in fact all paths, converge. How long that phase will last

cannot be predicted, nor if it applies to you, as this medium doesn't allow for

more than educated guesswork based on verbalization... But if it is the case for

you, it is rather fortunate. After that phase, things will get to normal again.

Instead of forcing things, I would advise to discuss this possibility with the

partner first, before drawing conclusions.




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