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RE: [K-list] energy/perceptual clarity and sex

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Dearest Jerrysan Rinpoche. I had been thinking about you since early morning

as we have not heard from you in a few weeks. Thanks for responding to JB

who raises an important issue. On , Both Jan and Amanda

addressed this point quite well in the context of Kundalini Shakti. Perhaps

Wim and Bob can comment on that from their experience if they have not

already done so.


My feeling like Jerry is that the body and the Shakti working in and through

it has its own natural intelligence which has to be respected. Regulation of

sexual conduct or celibacy is one of the factors in Kundalini awakening and

Its rising to the higher centers. There are extensive discussions of that in

the literature. Ultimately, one has to know the makeup and needs of one's

own body and use common sense. The general principle which most can follow

is that if you are left exhausted and drained or weakened after a particular

act or behavior, one needs to be judicious and moderate. This can apply to

all activities including diet, exercise, yoga, pranayama, meditation, sex,

etc. The middle way is different for each person. The middle point allows

facilitates recognition of the witness state. Staying in the middle can help

one feel comfortable, relaxed, aware, and peaceful.


Love to all




GCWein1111 [GCWein1111]

Monday, October 09, 2000 10:57 AM



[K-list] Re: energy/perceptual clarity and sex



In a message dated 10/8/00 11:28:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

cherian writes:



Hi Anne, JB and everybody else here,


This issue has been the central theme in my experience too. I've lost all

libido since my K-awakening and it's always on my mind. Its been over 6


now and my enforced celibacy shows no sign of letting go - I dont even know

if its a good thing anymore.

Anybody here know how to jumpstart a sleeping libido?Distance healers,

psychics,empaths...anybody, help!





Since JB posted his question about k and sex on both the k list and

Harsha's list, l'm responding on both. From the responses, JB, you can see

that you are not alone. Like cherian and others, l have basically been


into celibacy ever since my k awakened over 8 yrs ago, and given the fact

that l have always been strongly attracted to the opposite sex, this has

indeed been one of the most difficult aspects of my k journey.


For me it has included

having weaker or non-orgasms, orgasms at the 3rd eye, much less potency and

an ability to have sex far less often than before. l also feel hung over and

drained afterward, often for several days. l long ago concluded from all of

this that my body was telling me not to have sex, so l have avoided intimate

relations ever since k began. As has already been stated, there's apparently

no way of knowing how long this can last.


l don't want to frighten anyone, but l feel l need to add this.

lt appears that k can cause a lowering of testosterone (and presumably

estrogen) for long periods of time, which can have significant health

consequences. l was shocked to learn 2 yrs ago that l have osteoporosis.

Follow up testing revealed only one possible cause: very low testosterone,

which l'm sure was a result of k. l didn't have a single other risk factor

for the disease. So l would advise anyone in this situation to have sex

hormone levels periodically checked. lf the level is low, you may want to

consider a bone density test just to be safe.


As to whether one is fortunate to have celibacy enforced


them by k, ha ha, well, l can't say that this has been my feeling. Perhaps


l was having blissful samadhi experiences l wouldn't miss a relationship and

sex, but since that hasn't been the case l've missed them a great deal. And

l'm not grateful for the osteoporosis. But who are we to complain or argue

with k? l'm still hopeful that it's part of God's plan for me.








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