Lord Ayyapan is considered to be one of the greatest gods in the Southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala and has devout followers across the world in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. He is also addressed as Lord Ayappa or Lord Manikandan. The deity is said to be the son of the Destroyer, Lord Shiva and the beautiful enchantress Mohini, who is the female avatar of Lord Vishnu, the Preserver. Hence, the great god is the holy union of two supreme gods of the Hindu triad, making him the ultimate progeny. He is thus also known as Hariharanputra. Hari means Lord Vishnu while Haran means Lord Shiva. The famous story of his birth is as fascinating as his incredible parentage.

Temple of Lord Ayyappa at Sabarimala, Kerala
The Puranas state that after the slaying of the demon king Mahishasur in the epic battle with Goddess Durga, his sister Mahishi seeked revenge. She was a great devotee of Lord Brahma, the Creator. Armed with a boon from him of being invincible, she was all set for victory. The only obstacle in the blessing was that the child of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva could defeat her. This too seemed unlikely as it was not possible for both gods to have one child. But understanding the gravity of the situation Lord Vishnu took the form of the gorgeous Mohini and charmed Lord Shiva. Their holy consummation resulted in Lord Ayyappan, who was poised for much glory.

18 Sacred Steps the Ayyappa Devotees Must Climb
Lord Ayyappan’s other name Manikandan comes about as after his birth the parent draped his neck with a golden bell (mani) around his neck (kandan) and left him on the banks of the river Pampa. This is where the heirless King Rajashekhara of Pandalam, of the great Pandya dynasty found him during a hunting expedition. The king adopted the beautiful baby boy as his own foster son. It wasn’t by mere luck, that the king discovered the godly child. For years the childless king and his queen prayed to Lord Shiva for a son to inherit their throne. It was the Mahadev’s wish that the child was to be found by King Rajashekhara for his penance.

Ayyappa devotees having darshan of the sacred light (Maha Jyothi) on Makara Sankranti.
Soon after his biological son Raja Rajan was born and both the boys were raised together with princely education of scriptures in gurukool, training in martial arts and combat techniques. Lord Ayyappan was an exceptionally intelligent child with super human powers which everybody noticed. Upon his graduation from gurukool, he blessed his master’s blind and deaf child with the power of sight and speech by a simple touch. This was an amazing form of gurudakshina and people understood that the young prince was no ordinary child.
When it was time for the succession of throne, the king wanted to crown Lord Ayyappan as the next in line as he considered him to be his eldest son. Everybody was ecstatic except the King’s Diwan who had his own aspirations of taking over the kingdom. He brainwashed the queen to side with him stating that her own son was alive and non-royal blood should never be seated on the throne. Overcome by jealousy, she was prey to his devious plot. Many crooked plans were hatched to execute the young prince. This included poisoning of his food, and other evil attacks. He did not die but his body bore some painful damage which no physician could cure. Lord Shiva himself came to the palace disguised as a healer to provide respite to his son. Then one day the queen together with the Diwan and the physician came up with another wicked plan, She feigned illness which apparently could be cured only by a lactating tiger’s milk. No one dared to go but Lord Ayyappan volunteered. Despite his father’s repeated pleading, he stepped out into the deep jungles. On the way he encountered the demon queen Mahishi. They fought on the banks of the Azhutha River and Lord Ayyappan prevailed victorious slaying her with a mighty blow. Lord Shiva appeared and on his requested seated on the tiger, he returned to the palace. Everybody was amazed as the young prince fulfilled the impossible task with ease.
The King realized that there was some conspiracy and apologized to his foster son. Lord Manikandan hugged his father and requested him to build a temple dedicated to him in the hills of Sabari (Sabarimalai) as he would leave his earthly existence for the heavens. Once the temple was constructed Lord Parasuram, an avatar of Lord Vishnu carved the statue of the Supreme God-Prince himself. He was eternally deified on the auspicious Maha Shankranti / Pongal day.
To this day the pilgrimage to Sabarimalai is famous with close to 50 million men and boys making the famed ‘brahmachari’ pilgrimage. Worshippers observe a 41-day ‘brahmachari’ existence by abstaining from physical pleasure, cigarettes, alcohol, non-vegetarian and all other forms of taboos for celibate living. Most boys and men wear black dhotis, Sabarimalai beads and do not wear footwear. Even in the most urban cities, these rules are strictly observed. Upon this purification they set out for the trek up the hillock to pay pilgrimage on foot. On the day of the steep 18 level climb, the men bathe in the holy river Pampa and along with offerings of three eyed coconuts and ‘aantha’ garland head up to the Sabarimala temple. Usually on the 14th day of January, during the Tamil New Year or Pongal is the main day of pilgrimage. After accepting the Prasad and his blessings the men descend the 18 steps walking backwards facing the great Lord Ayyappan. This is one of the world’s most popular pilgrimage spots. The boons bestowed by the incredible Lord Hariharanputra are indeed tremendous for those with pure intention and passionate devotion.
Thanks & beautiful.
The mythological story is nicely narrated. But the whole story could have been added. Why ladies are not allowed could also have been stated. There is also some ‘Vedaantic’ details about i8 steps to the main temple. That could have been added also. The story is nice, Increases devotion and turn our minds to spiritualism. Thanks to the author and your Organisation
It’s really nice article.
There are huge followers of Lord Ayyappa in Karnatka and Andhra Pradesh also
its not a story but a fact,
as far as women not being allowed there are many reasons
1.women are more stronger than men.
2.men are more susceptible to make mistakes.
3.men can be more easily provoked to do wrong things.
4.if women are also allowed to enter ,then the temple will become a family gathering place, with whole family gathered around the temple,
and the very basic reason for which people go to spiritual places will get violated ,i.e they should forget their family for the time being and introspect about their past live,in which they made many mistakes, and it will help them identify and correct their past mistakes, and can also help in healing old memories and problems,so there is nothing against women here.
thank you for such a wonderful story. Madam i wanted to know in which purana this story is narrated and if you can help me to get the sanskrit text i will be haapy.
thanks for enlightening about the lord.May his blessings are with all
you r doing great job not only to elders like us but for young generation those who beleive less in such stories too.
The chant in Sabarimala is saranam, a Budhist chant. Budhan saranam gwchami vs.,Ayyappasaranam gaschamil. The posture also reminds of Buddha. It is also said Kerala was Buddhist till 800 AD. So some cynics say that this was a Buddhist temple. I am curious to know how to answer these points.
Also, it would have been informative if the story of the Muslim king Vavar and his friendship with the lord is mentioned.
The questions that I tend to have are these:
a) Vavar being a muslim – leaves the story of Ayappa about 1000+ years old only.
b) so the lord and Parasurama met up 1000 yrs ago? (possible – given Parasurama is considered a chiranjeevi)
c) 1000 years ago and we are talking of Mahishi as an asura? (thought we had left the asuras by then!!)
My intent is neither to question ones faith nor to hurt the religious sentiments.
All of these are my genuine confusions OR questions directed at an effort to understand things better.
Your help/guidance highly appreciated.
Vavar is a mythical concept.This was brought about to bring communal harmony in Kerala due to large Muslim community. I visited the Temple in 1977 when there was not much developments around the temple and the pilgrimage crowd was not that large. It has gained tremendous support in the last twenty years and perhaps could beat the pilgrimage numbers of Mecca.
I researched on the true story of Ayyappan. The meaning of “ayyappan” is according to old Malayalam dictionaries, Lord Sree Budha. The Chinese traveler, Hu yan sung, has clearly mentioned about a temple in western ghat, where avalokeshwara sree Budha has been worshiped. He gave us detailed descriptions on the temple, and its suburbs, which is exactly matched with present day Sabarimala.
Whenever we are watching television serials as well as movies and story books about ayyappa, they are not giving true and fair answers to the following questions I request the author of this article to provide us a clear cut answers on following matters:
The book “Keralolpathi” says “Parashurama created land i.e Kerala by throwing his axe into Ocean from Gokarna to Kanyakumari. But, nobody was willing to live there due to uncomfortable living conditions. So, Parashurama donated this new land to Brahamins who were responsible for introducing new dhayakramam – Marumakathayam (i.e. your sister’s son will be your heir) unlike other parts of Aryavarha, where Makathayam was prevailing”. The questions is: why did ayyapan’s step mother, the queen of Pandalam want her son, the biological son of the king of Pandalam, to become the future king than Ayappan since according to the rule of Marumakkathayam, not only ayyappan, the step-son, but the biological son also, would not qualify to become King? Only the sister’s son or adopted sister’ son would as per the traditional law of the land, be next king. If you say the king had the right to change the dhayakramam, then I will invite your attention to this: even if the king of Venad promised upon his marriage with princess of Ayodhia that he would follow makathayam, the Brahmins rejected the king’s promise stating that he was the ruler, and not the owner of the Venad, and directed him to follow traditional law of land. Accordingly, the king proclaimed Marhtandavarma, his nephew as crown prince, who is later founder of Kingdom of Travancore, instead of his son, Padmanabhan Thambi.
The popular story says ayappa‘s mother is mohini, i.e Lord Vishnu, and his father is Lord Shiva. According to the Puranan’s, the first 3 incarnations of Lord Vishu took place in the Kripoyugam. The story of Mohini is also associated with second incarnation of Lord Vishu, Koormam. In its parts, the popular story says the friend of ayappan is Vavar, a Muslim. According to Islamic calendar, their religion is just 1435year old corresponding to AD 622. According to Hindu calendar, the current Yugam is Kali yugam, the beginning of which corresponding to BC 3102. Who is lying to fool us, Brahmins, or Muslims?
Alangad Yogam is the ‘Father’s Yogam’, whereas Ambalapuzha Yogam is the ‘mother’s Yogam’. What connection does ayyappan’s father have with Alangad, and mother with Ambalapuzha. If you say it is because of Amablapuzha temple where main deity is Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, I can show you plenty temples in Kerala where main deity is Lord Krishna, and hence all of them can have the right to claim mother status. Why can’t other temples of Lord Krishna except Ambalapuzha get mother status? We can apply the same sense of logic for Alangad Yogam considering it as his father’s yogam.
Note: Keralolpathi is a book by an unknown author containing stories of historical nature in support of supremacy of Brahmins. Moreover, Brahmins in Kerala always relied on this book as a conclusive evidence of their supremacy over others such that if someone did questions on the authenticity of this book, he would immediately be punished by the local ruler on the advice of Brahmins. The supremacy of this book remained unchallenged until William Logan, took charges as collector of Malabar. William Logan, who was interested to study history of Kerala, challenged the authenticity of these stories, and proved them as fabricated in support of Brahmins, even if he admitted some are of historical facts. Since he was a servant of British Empire, whom then local rulers was afraid of, the Brahmins were not able to punish him. Subsequently, questions have been raised against authenticity of this book from everywhere, and the Brahmins who were not able to give proper reply on these questions, stopped their supremacy claims based on this book. Now, they are pertaining on this book asking is there such a book? “We don’t know”
Some are in Kerala refusing to accept the popular story stating that these are fabricated story in support of Brahmins with a view to denial access to Kerala’s past glory of Buddhism because most of the temples of later are under the custody of former, and in order to posses the temples forever, stories like this have been fabricated.
That is Great. Thanks to India Divine.
Vavar being labeled a mythical concept with no proofs to support doesn’t help me at all.
What I know of is that there is a Vavar mosque which is to be visited before reaching the lord’s temple and a leged/folklore associated with this.
Mr Predeesh kumar might be a Bhudhist ,trying to establish as Shabarimala Temple as Budhist temple,regret.
Actually why ladies are not entered into temple because their have a problem of DATES . small childrens can enter in temple the smell and air coming from dated time ladies is very different and somewhat poison to health. so, that’s why ladies are not entered into temple. Ladies by doctor certificate can enter into temple.
Mr. Haridranath
Please, winners write history, but it does not mean that losers did not write history. Losers did write history but that must be hidden and known only to trusted people. Please, I am not a Buddhist, but a Sanathana Dharmi, for whom truth (Sathyam) is paramount to anything. I am ready to accept you if your are able to give me true and fair answers to the three questions I have pointed out.
I am trying to know, if saints like Vyasa has written puranas and about the histories, whether they have power to see each and every aspect of the movements of persons and in most of them confidentiality between persons are also written in these stories, puranas. If the subject was confidential how this writers know about it.
The story of malikapurattamma (cursed to be mahishi) who after ayyappa lifted the curse wanted to e his wife should have been added. she still waits for their wedding day.
Thank u very much to all of u…any body can tell me that there is any truth place of maa pratyngira in india WHR I can solve my problem.me and my whole family suffering with black magic last twenty five years.nobody can’t solve it any tantric devi bhagat any devi sans than.some can’t do and so many make money only…there any real place in India for it or all are fake and making money only……..I m sorry if anybody don’t like my comments
Great article. Thanks for sharing.
But I came across another interesting legend behind Lord Ayyapan which is similar to the above mentioned story with slight variation.
It revolved around a demon named Bhasmasura who had the power to turn anything into ash, thanks to his penance to God Shiva. But, on seeing Parvathi, he turned against his own god and planned on turning God Shiva into ash in order to keep Parvathi for himself. Knowing this, God Shiva fled to his abode seeking the help of God Vishnu.
God Vishnu, took the female avatar of Mohini and mesmerized the demon. The demon requested her to marry him which Mohini accepted under one condition. She challenged him to match every dance step she performs. During the challenge, she struck a pose which led to Bhasmasura turning himself into ashes.
Mahishi, the sister of Bhasmasura, in seek of revenge prayed to God Brahma. The rest of the legend is same as the one mentioned above.
Namaskram ….
Thank you very much for such story And please keep sending …..great job
only one god in this world. no arguments. please we believe in god. any forms brothers. mother father shiva Shakti amman ayyapaa. very good to us for sharing. Divine everywhere!. tthanks for sharing. Love you guys.
Like Vishnu had many avtars prime avtars being dasavathar. He was a brahmin boy in Vamanavthar ! Narasimha in another avthar . Lord Dharmasastha is the third son of Shiva and his consorts are Poornambal and Pushkala ambal. Lord Aiyyappa is the recent avthar of Dharma sasththa . 3000 to 4000 Sastha temples exists in Tamilnadu and Kerala. Dharma sastha is mentioned by Adi Sankaracharya in Kedhadhi Padhandha Shiva stotram . ஆரூட ப்ரௌட வேக ப்ரவிஜித பவனம் துங்க துங்கம் துரங்கம்
சேலம் நீலம் வத சாந்ன்ன ; கரதல விலசத் காண்ட கோதண்ட தண்ட;
ராக த்வேஷதி நானாவிதம் ருகபடலீ பீதிக்ரித் பூத பர்த்தா
குர்வந்த் நாகெட லீலாம் பரிலசது மன ; கானனே மாம கீனே ;
மிகுந்த வேகத்தால் வாயு தேவனையும் வென்ற உயரமான குதிரையின் மீதேறி நீல வஸ்த்ரம் அணிந்து கையில் கோதண்டம் தாங்கி ராகம், த்வேஷம் முதலிய பற்பல சமூகத்திற்கு பீதி உண்டாக்கும் பூத நாதர் ( தர்ம சாஸ்தா) எனது மனமாகிய காட்டில் வேட்டையாடும் கேளிக்கையை செய்து விளங்கட்டும் !
Thanks for the information.
Sahil111. there are Pratyangira temples in Tamilnadu. Search google. also Search for Vana Durga. You may yourself chant the mantra after being taken by a knowledgeable person. Sudarshana mantra and Aditya Hridya stotra will also help.
You are all confused with god shastha and his incarnations shastha is the son of Vishnu and Shiva born in sathya yuga ayyappan and Manikandan was incarnations of shastha I know you think Ayyapan and Manikandan are same person but actually they are two persons lived in this kaliyuga era shastha is the one who killed mahishi the demoness( only one can kill him has combined power of Vishnu and Shiva)ayyapa was the human incarnation of shastha who send to help pandyas by cheraman perumal he resided in shabari mala and was a devotee of shastha .after helping pandyas in wars he gone back to Kerala.after ayapans departure pandian king came to kerala and with the help of Travancore king he settled there and his lineage known as panthalam kings it is said that Manikandan came in this lineage at that time there was a marava king named udayan tried to destroy sabari mala temple Manikandan with the help of his friend vavar killed this dreaded thief and he gone to shabari mala temple and united with the idol of shastha