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Who was krisna ?

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, "udaykumar S.K." <udaykumar001>



> gs,


> As i know all the incarnations are of the peoples who

> have reached at the level of supercasual level of

> existance,


   It means sri Krisna was not Brahm as claimed by most of hindus? are

avatars also human souls ? Or i understood your post wrong?












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Brahman is a state of formlessness,passionless.It is

beyond the eternal pleasure(bliss)and its internal



Lord Krishna reached the status of brahman in his

krishna birth,before he was in Lord Vishnu

status,which is supercasual status.The supercasuals

have forms and have choice of birth and death.In the

human life they dont get caught by illusions because

they are already tasted them in their previous lifes

and they know all their previous lifes and the

mechanism of life clealry.Supercasual status is a

status of bliss.Lord Krishna was resident of goloka

which is equivalent of Vishnu Loka.


When the time comes they leave everything in human

life and go for further meditation and to attain

liberation. i.e.Lord Goutam Budhdha, Lord Mahaveer.


Lord shri Osho had 11 previous human births while Lord

shri krishna had 21 previous births since when they

put their movement towards spirituality.


What we do and which status we attain at the end of

this birth decides whether our next birth is

incarnation or just a progressive life.


he was brahman and he left the universe after his

incarnation as Lord Krishna.


Avataras are incarnations of these trident level

bodies who have elevated from human form to

supercasual forms progressively from their human

births earlier.Those who take incarnations from casual

forms are saints and rishis.They generally dont do



--- gaytrishandilya <no_reply> wrote:


> , "udaykumar S.K."

> <udaykumar001>

> wrote:

> >

> > gs,

> >

> > As i know all the incarnations are of the peoples

> who

> > have reached at the level of supercasual level of

> > existance,


>    It means sri Krisna was not Brahm as claimed by

> most of hindus? are

> avatars also human souls ? Or i understood your post

> wrong?


> gs












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, gaytrishandilya <no_reply> wrote:


   Hmmm while i cant really contradict Udai's explanation, because

that,what he has written, is a Truth, but we have to find a real

answer to this tricky question.


   Uday is quite right in saying that the liberated souls, may come

back as Avtaaras, but can we say so about Shri Krishna, may be a

little debatable.


   The liberated souls, who have gone out of control of Maya and

Avidya, if come back as Avtaaras or Yug-Purushas (Like christ,

budhha, Guru Nanak dev etc etc.) they have to embrace a human body. 

They have to thus embrace an Anthakaran too with that body, and that

Anthakarana may have some, residue karma left by the last incarnation.


   This is for sure, that the souls (rather those liberated souls)

are not really bound to those bodies and their karmas, but being in

that body they have to fulfil natural law of cause and effect. 


Thus they have to undergo fruit/punishment in that body, their soul

knowing fully that they are not undergoing that result.


   Even in Krishna Avtaaras, the residue Karma of Rama Avtaara, were

undergone by Krishna.  The hunter who shot arrow at Shri Krishna was

soul of Bali, who was killed by Lord Rama in Treta yuga.


   Here I can say that fruit of karma done by Rama, did not actually

affect Shri Krishna.  It was for the soul of Bali, who was having a

chain of karma, as he was killed by Rama, and that chain would break

if he also kills Rama in his next incarnation.


   So to fulfil the chain of Karma for Bali, Shri Krishna allowed him

to kill him so that his soul becomes free from that chain of event !!


   Even if we take Shri Krishna as a liberated soul, taking

incarnation for the welfare of human beings, we must say that His was

the only Such soul in the universe, A liberated soul who had reached

the highest exellence, who had won the Prakriti, and who was one with

Brahm or the Supreme.


Shri Krishna is the only Avtaara who has declared himself as the

Supreme consciousness.  Even though he subjected Himself to be

apparantely bound by Maya and Karma, if fact he was NOT!... and what

ever Karma results, he bore, was in fact to clear other's Karmas not

his own !!


     I am sure other learned sadhaka here will like to suppliment













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, "udaykumar S.K." <udaykumar001>



> gs,

> he was brahman and he left the universe after his

> incarnation as Lord Krishna.



    Left universe ? means ? The universe was without Brahm when he

incarnated as Krsna?












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it means"he" the form of krishna had left universe, in

other words diluted in the universal conciousness.


In that birth he attained the status of

brahman.Brhaman is status and is ever existing. 


--- gaytrishandilya <no_reply> wrote:


> , "udaykumar S.K."

> <udaykumar001>

> wrote:

> >

> > gs,

> > he was brahman and he left the universe after his

> > incarnation as Lord Krishna.

> >


>     Left universe ? means ? The universe was without

> Brahm when he

> incarnated as Krsna?



> gs











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